
Have you done those exercises where you release physical tension with your exhale? With each outbreath, you can feel the tightness melting and leaving your body. It’s a great in-the-moment practice when pressure builds during your day.

You likely have many strategies like this one you’ve used over the years to deal with inevitable stress and overwhelm. Some might be like well-worn comfies, others like an old friend you call on just once in a while.

But in our forever-changing world with mounting adversity and stress, demands for building resilience and staying centered have never been greater.

Your coping strategies need a refresh. Consider this "Coping 2.0."

In Re-resourcing Yourself and Others, expert somatics teacher Staci Haines will help you see which of your coping strategies are embodied habits. You may be reenacting old habits even though they are no longer effective. Instead, learn new practices that can help you undo some of your conditioning.

Staci even has an update on the “exhale and release tension” exercise for you. It's twice as powerful because it uses your inhale too.

Collectively, we’ve had three very high-anxiety years with no end in sight. While you can’t avoid new problems coming at you, you can find new ways to reset your nervous system with wisdom and compassion. They you can manage your stress more skillfully.

You can transform your automatic coping strategies into intentional resilience practices.

The end of the year is approaching. Join us for this workshop so you are at your best to welcome the coming year and all that it will bring.


Academy of Therapy Wisdom
Strozzi Institute
Staci K. Haines 

“To live in a loving and skillful way in these times, we must weed out the old and transform ourselves into whole humans.”
— Staci K. Haines

In this unique workshop, you will gain:
2. Resource Skills You Can Share
Such as how to purposefully reset your nervous system to prevent stress pile-ups (even if you’re already under one right now)
3. Adaptive Authentic Practices
New, embodied strategies that move you toward what you care about most

Re-Resourcing Yourself & Others

3-hour workshop with Staci Haines
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Join Staci Haines for this special 3-hour workshop
If you are BIPOC, or actively involved in social change and climate justice work,
please click here to accept our discounted enrollment price.

The workshop will be recorded and available in your membership site for future viewing.

Staci K. Haines
Staci Haines is the author of The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing and Social Justice. She has been experimenting at the intersections of personal and social transformation for the last 30 years, through the work of somatics, trauma healing, embodied leadership, and transformative justice.

She is an international leader in the field of Somatics and a senior teacher at Strozzi Institute. Staci is the co-founder and prior executive director of generative somatics, a multiracial social justice organization bringing somatics to social and climate justice movements. She is also the originator of Somatics and Trauma, and leads courses teaching healers, social change leaders, and other practitioners to effectively transform the impact of individual and social trauma and violence. Staci also founded generationFIVE, a non-profit whose mission is to end the sexual abuse of children within five generations, using transformative justice approaches.

Lastly, Staci is the author of Healing Sex: A Mind Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma, which has been translated into German, Japanese and Spanish.